Sunday 16 October 2016



1.1 Background
Indonesia is one country with a capacity of Human Resources that many. But in the management of its human resources, Indonesia is still very far behind neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and other countries. It is caused by the level of education in Indonesia is still low and inadequate facilities, resulting in lower quality of labor, increasing unemployment, declining productivity, and low competitiveness to be able to face the competition between labor from the country and abroad.
Indonesia with nine other ASEAN member countries have signed a declaration blueprint Asian Economic Community (AEC) to initiate an integration step in economic terms. This makes Indonesia should strive to improve the quality of human resources and to improve the competitiveness of Indonesian manpower soul to survive amid the era of free trade to come. The Indonesian government must be focused and concerned with labor issues and immediately clean to create a climate that is conducive to speed up the movement of economic growth through Human Resources. The improvement can be done by improving education, educational equity, improving health, conduct training for the workforce, provide adequate facilities, revamping the structure of employment in Indonesia, and others - others will push the quality of labor. When a country has a highly competitive and able to compete in regional and global arena it is certain labor-owned has been able to achieve standardization and have a good reputation which would lucrative state.
Human resources (HR) is one of the key factors in economic reform, namely how to create quality human resources and skills as well as highly competitive in a global competition which we abaikan.Globalisasi which certainly faced by the Indonesian people demanding their efficiency and competitiveness; in the business world. In a globalization which involves intraregional and international relations will be competition between countries. Indonesia in the global competition according to the World Competitiveness Report ranks 45th, the lowest of all countries surveyed, below Singapore (8), Malaysia (34th), China (35th), Philippines (38), and Thailand (40). In this case we can see that Indonesia is still very far behind in global competition.
Indonesian nation-building in the future is highly dependent on the quality of Human Resources and Indonesian workers physically and mentally healthy and have the skills and expertise, so as to build from the families concerned to have a job and a steady income and decent enough to meet the needs of life, health and education of family members to be able to build Indonesia in global competition (MEA) in 2015.
Currently, Indonesia has been preparing to welcome the MEA on December 31, 2015 was launched. Delegates from each of the ASEAN countries, especially Indonesia hopes the MEA can make people in the more developed countries. Besides the social and economic aspects that reflects the implementation of the MEA population and trade, such thinking also guided by aspects of employment are no less important in the country itself.
1.2 Problem Formulation
1. What are the conditions of employment in Indonesia in the arena MEA?
2. What challenges and opportunities of employment in Indonesia against the MEA?
3. How does the employment readiness of Indonesia in the face of MEA?
4. How does the Indonesian Government policy on employment Indonesia in facing the MEA?
5. How Step Strategic Solutions Indonesia employment in the face of MEA?


1.1 Conditions of employment in Indonesia in the arena MEA
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or the ASEAN Economic Community will be implemented in 2016 still leaves a question mark. One of them is the issue of employment. Until now, regulation of labor flows freely enter Indonesia. Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia assess manpower development in Indonesia is still very low.
Low Human Resource Indonesia led to labor conditions experienced various serious problem and requires an effective government role to overcome in order to achieve the Human Resources that have high competitiveness to face global competition first Asian Economic Community (AEC). The problem - a problem often faced by workers in Indonesia are:
A. The low quality of labor
The quality of the workforce in a country can be determined by looking at the level of the country's education. Most workers in Indonesia, the level of education is low. This led to the mastery of science and technology to be low. The lack of mastery of science and technology leads to low productivity of labor, so this will affect terhadaprendahnya the quality of production of goods and services.
B. Total labor force that is proportional to employment
The increasing number of labor force that is not offset by the expansion of employment will bring a burden for the economy. The labor force can not be accommodated in the labor market will cause unemployment. Though the government hopes, the increasing number of labor force could be a driver of economic development.
C. Distribution of labor uneven
Most workers in Indonesia are located in Java. While in other areas is still a shortage of labor, especially for agriculture, plantation and forestry. Thus in Java a lot going on unemployment, while in other areas there are many natural resources have not been managed optimally.
D. Unemployment
An economic crisis in Indonesia resulted in many industries in Indonesia have gone bankrupt. As a result, many workers who stop working, the narrowness of the existing employment but the total labor force continues to increase.
Based on the data released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in the Official Bulletin of Statistics No. 38/05 / Th. XVII, May 5, 2014, the state Employment per month of February 2014 is as follows:
1) The labor force in Indonesia in February 2014 reached 125.3 million people; increased by 5.2 million people compared to the labor force in August 2013 as many as 120.2 million or an increase of about 1.7 million people compared with February 2013.
2) The number of people working in Indonesia in February 2014 reached 118.2 million people; increased by 5.4 million people compared to the state in August 2013 as many as 112.8 million or an increase of 1.7 million compared to the state in February 2013
3) Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Indonesia in February 2014 reached 5.70 percent; TP decreased compared to August 2013 amounted to 6.17 percent and TPT in February 2013 amounted to 5.82 percent.
4) During the last year (February 2013 - February 2014), the total working population has increased in almost all sectors, especially in the Social Services Sector as many as 640 thousand people (3.59 percent), the Trade Sector 450 thousand people (1.77 percent), and the Manufacturing Sector as many as 390 thousand people (2.60 percent). While the sector is declining agricultural sector which has decreased the number of people working at 0.68 percent.
5) Based on the number of hours worked in February 2014, as many as 81.2 million people (68.71 percent) work over 35 hours per week, while the working population with the number of hours worked less than 15 hours per week reached 7.3 million people ( 6.16 percent).
6) In February 2014, the population worked in elementary education levels down still dominate as many as 55.3 million people (46.80 percent), while the working population with education Diploma 3.1 million people (2.65 per cent) and population working with university education just as much as 8.8 million people (7.49 percent).
From the BPS can be concluded that the participation rate angkatanm increased employment and decreased unemployment. However, with declining unemployment rate does not mean that Indonesia has made progress and can be declared ready to fight in the free market MEA. This is because Indonesia still has a wide range of domestic problems that make the Indonesian government has not been so focused on the face of the MEA but rather occupy the things that will not even be endless, such as issues of politics and government is not concerned about job creation that have high quality to able to compete in global markets and prevent the influx of labor from other countries as well as discrimination against women workers, salaries / wages are inadequate, labor protection issues, and others - others. This will cause negative effects for Indonesia in terms of preparing for talent. Many of the workers who have not been so aware by going to the enactment of the MEA, so companies need was training again to prepare MEA.

2.2 Challenges and opportunities of employment in Indonesia to MEA
Employment is an important role in the development of social welfare in Indonesia. According to Law No. 13 2003 Chapter I Article 1 Paragraph 2 states that labor is any person who is able to work in order to produce goods or services either to meet their own needs as well as for society. Therefore, the government should empower the existing workforce in Indonesia.
MEA indirectly led to employment increases, but it does affect the employment opportunities of our workforce, especially in his own country. With the MEA labor ASEAN citizens can be spread in every ASEAN country, so that the chances of such Indonesian Workers (TKI), especially in the ASEAN region to be maintained existence. However it is not possible, workers in Indonesia alone could match in obtaining employment in their own country saw a free market economy, especially in Indonesia is very advantageous because the number of Indonesia's population of 249.9 million people. Therefore, the role of government is needed now is the government Joko Widodo to sustain employment given the MEA which is a sustainable economic development.
Potential generated when the government put forward the issue of labor in Indonesia should be able to generate a positive trend on the economic progress of the nation. Total labor force in August 2013 alone according to the Central Bureau of Statistics as many as 118 190 000 million compared with the total population of Indonesia at this time is almost halved. Thus, the need for a training program to support the competitiveness of the work force to improve the skills of our work by not waive the sovereignty of the workforce.

2.3 Readiness Indonesian labor in the face of MEA
In order to maintain political stability and regional security ASEAN, enhance the competitiveness of the region as a whole on the world market, and promote economic growth, reduce poverty and improve the living standard of the Member States, all Member States of ASEAN agreed to immediately realize the economic integration more tangible and meaningful namely ASEAN Economy Community (AEC) or the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The involvement of each country in cooperation, both multilateral and regional levels, has its own interests, as well as Indonesia has its own interests with ASEAN cooperation. The willingness of Indonesia together with nine other ASEAN countries to form the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 was based on a belief in the benefits that conceptually would boost economic growth in Indonesia and the ASEAN region.
Challenges faced by Indonesia enters ASEAN economic integration is not only that is internal in the country but even more competition with fellow ASEAN countries and other countries outside ASEAN. Another challenge is the Indonesian inflation rate is still relatively high compared with other countries in the ASEAN region. The competitive ability of Human Resources Indonesian workers must be improved, both formally and informally. For that, Indonesia should be able to improve the quality of its workforce so it can be used both in domestic and intra-ASEAN, to prevent the influx of skilled workers from outside. One of the great challenges of our national education is to instill a collective consciousness as a nation need to fight hard to achieve progress, catching up with other countries in many aspects.
For Indonesia, where MEA into the early rounds to develop a variety of quality economies in Southeast Asia in the development of a free market. MEA into two sides of a coin for Indonesia. On one side is a good opportunity to demonstrate the quality and quantity of products and Human Resources of Indonesia to the country - other countries with open, but on the other hand can be a turning point for Indonesia if Indonesia can not use it properly. In an era of global competition, Indonesia must pay attention to labor and production which is not a matter of a quantitative, but also qualitative side of her. The quality of low labor one of which resulted levels of education and skills are inadequate. As quoted from the ASEAN Community Bulletin March 2014, the opportunity for new workers in Indonesia 22% worse than the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam. This resulted in the development of new research and innovation in enhancing the competitiveness of larger considering the competitiveness of Indonesia is still low among the other ASEAN countries may be a stumbling block in the MEA.
There are some fundamental problems facing Indonesia in order to face the MEA 2015, namely:
1. The high number of underemployment (disguised unemployment);
2. The low number of new entrepreneurs to accelerate the expansion of employment opportunities;
3. Workers Indonesia is dominated by uneducated workers so that labor productivity is low;
4. Increasing the number of unemployed educated labor force, due to a mismatch between college graduates with labor market needs;
5. Inequality in labor productivity between sectors of the economy;
6. The informal sector dominates employment, where the sector is not yet optimal attention from the government;
7. Unemployment in Indonesia is the highest unemployment of 10 ASEAN member countries; unpreparedness of skilled labor in the face of AEC 2015;
8. The demands of workers to the minimum wage, labor contracts, employment and social security; and
9. The problem of Indonesian Workers who are scattered abroad.

The quality of labor in Indonesia should be able to have certain performance standards to face the MEA. As labor certification for each of the workers who work in Indonesia thus increasing the competitiveness of our workforce in the world. More and more jobs in the area of ​​Indonesia is not menutut possibility of citizens outside Indonesia may be attracted to work in Indonesia. With the acquisition workforce so competition can also allow Indonesian workers to be benefited in this MEA, especially in our own country.

2.4 Employment Policies Government of Indonesia in Facing MEA

There are some things that need attention or record for the world of employment prior to the time of our country will actually enter the MEA.

a. Regulation Legislation Employment Field.
Legislation in the field of labor. Although the source of labor law in Indonesia there are legal provisions in the various legislation, Act No. 13 of 2003 on Manpower is the basic rule that contains the settings thoroughly and comprehensively in the field of employment. This is the handle as the rules of the game world of employment in Indonesia when entering the MEA. However, if the Act already protect workers especially when going into the MEA? With so many companies and foreign workers who will enter later, whether this Act will also protect Indonesian workers?
For example, in every speech or demonstration conducted by the workers, the implementation of contract system and outsourcing based on the Act is deemed to have weakened the position of the workers because there is no job security, the certainty of wages, even the certainty of welfare benefits more so that workers / laborers request it is to be removed. Even the government is often accused of having a lot delete or change any of the rules that is protective for the sake of investment in Indonesia.
Furthermore, with materilkannya has been tested several times this Act to the Constitutional Court have resulted in several articles that have been disconnected in the resulting judicial review should be followed up. With the cancellation of several Articles such as Article 120 paragraph (1) and (2), Article 155 paragraph (2), and Article 158, the existence of Law Number 13 Year 2003 on Manpower result of this Act is not intact anymore so Law is indeed feasible to immediately refined again. However, alteration or replacement of Manpower Act is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. The planned revision of the Act in fact have occurred in 2006, and at that time the government withdrew the proposed revision as there are conflicts of interest that is strong enough between the interests of workers and employers. It's also the result in plan changes or replacement of the Act on Employment has become difficult because of interests between workers and employers is difficult to achieve an ideal starting point.
Based on the theory Radbruch, a rule or a new law can be said to be good if they meet three conditions, namely philosophically establish justice, sociologically helpful, and legally can create certainty (Satjipto Rahardjo, 1980). Made the regulations in the field of employment is aimed at achieving peace and fulfill the third requirement. The government should present to protect by giving special protection to workers
Indonesia and not be subject to the interests of the owners of capital. To deal with the MEA, the Law on Employment is expected to be enhanced to meet the three conditions for Indonesian workers is one of the components that affect the economic, political, and social in this country.
b. Law Enforcement labor inspectors
Labour inspection should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 134 of Law Number 13 Year 2003 which states that "In order to realize the implementation of the rights and obligations of workers / laborers and employers, the government must carry out supervision and enforcement of labor legislation". In the face of the MEA, the position of inspectors becomes very important in order to be more conducive industrial relations and as protection for workers in the face of this global competition. Efforts preparations must be addressed is the quality and quantity of labor inspectors to supervise the implementation of Law No. 13 of 2003 on the Employment.
In terms of quality, with the change of government system which initially resulted sentaralistik to decentralized governance authorities are now much more rely on the county / city. However, Manpower (Manpower) which should be protective for workers could be said to be still unable to function properly and to know in-depth labor problems since often the educational background and work experience of labor inspectors do not support. This is due to the implementation of personnel transfers are often less attention to the educational background of a person when going to mutation.
In terms of quantity, based on the data obtained from the Ministry of Manpower (Manpower), the number of inspectors in 2013 recorded about approximately 2,400 people in Indonesia, and the supervisor must oversee about 216,000 companies in Indonesia. The distribution of labor inspectors and even then until now only reaching approximately 300 districts / cities from more than 500 the number of districts / cities. It is very less than ideal given the disparity is too far between the number of law enforcement by the number of companies that must be monitored.
With the number of unbalanced between labor inspectors and the number of enterprises, it clearly resulted in labor inspection to be ineffective because the quantity of human labor inspectors are not in accordance with the needs of the field. To overcome this problem has been the Government should immediately conduct education and training on an ongoing basis as well as an inventory of the needs of the number of labor inspectors, both at the provincial and district levels so that the city can anticipate the rush of investment into Indonesia the entry into force MEA later.

2.5 Steps and Strategic Employment Solutions jobs Indonesia in the face of MEA
Quality of Human Resources are low and readiness of Indonesian workers who are low in the face of this MEAsaat not mean that Indonesia had to withdraw from the competition of labor in the era of MEA. It is precisely the presence of MEA can be used as part of encouraging quality in terms of education and skills to Indonesian workers can compete in emmperebutkan jobs in their own countries and the ASEAN member countries.
Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia Labor, Benny Sutrisno states that Kadin has prepared three programs in order to face the MEA 2015 that also supports MP3EI:
1) Identification of the manpower needs of professional / skilled to support 22 economic activities in six economic corridors and increase the competitiveness of 12 priority sectors MEA 2015;
2) Facilitate the development of competency standards and the establishment of professional certification (LSP) by the relevant Industry Association 22 economic activities in the economic corridors and 12 priority sectors MEA 2015; and
3) Development of the Chamber of Commerce Training Center (KTC) to encourage the development of competency-based training program as required by the Provincial Kadin industry.
Benny Soetrisno also an inventory of 12 priority sectors MEA 2015 called free flow of skilled labor (the free flow of skilled labor), namely: health care (health care), tourism (tourism), logistics services (logistics services), e-ASEAN, transport services air (air travel transport), agro-based products (Agrobased products), electronic goods (electronics), fisheries (fisheries), rubber-based products (rubber based products), textiles and clothing (textiles and apparels), automotive (automotive) and wood-based products (wood based products).
Currently Indonesia tend to have increased education when seen by the rank of the AEC Scoredcard of phase I (2008-2009), Phase II (2010-2011), Phase III (2012-2013). In the phase III Indonesia ranks sixth out of ten ASEAN countries to another. Although it has progressed quite well, but Indonesia still needs to make improvements in various sides, especially in terms of policies on education that will support the Indonesian experts to be able to match future global competitiveness. When education is the basis for prospective experts are not able to support them in order to survive in the competition, then that is where Indonesia will be far behind. When compared with the number of Indonesian workforce with people who have worked, attainment of employment could be quite good that is equal to 94.08% of the total workforce. However, over 50% of workers absorbed graduated from elementary school. This is of special concern to the Indonesian government to immediately improve Indonesian education system and equalize the education itself. The curriculum is made by the government is expected to help prospective experts to be more competent and synchronized with international standards.
Other strategic steps to prepare skilled manpower and professional Indonesia in the face of MEA in December 2015 is Indonesia also have to standardize the professional quality of the workforce. This is due to the quality and quantity of labor in other countries are much better than Indonesia. Indonesia will be spectators in their own country if standardization is not done in view of the company - the company wants workers having excellent quality and expertise so that business activities can be long-lived. That is the basis why standardization is required when competition in the labor force will be more stringent AEC era.
Policy measures that can be taken and implemented through ketenagakerjaanyaitusebagai following program:
1. Expansion Program Development and Employment, is to:
a. enhance labor laws
b. consolidating employment creation program
d. improve service workers abroad with cheap, easy, and fast
e. cooperation development of integrated information system of foreign labor markets
2. Quality and Productivity Improvement Program of Labor, is the
a. increasing the competency-based training program
b.meningkatkan functions and revitalization Training Center (BLK) into a competency-based training institute
c. apprenticeship training programs in the country and abroad
d. facilitating educational institutions and vocational training
e. drafting and developing national competency standards work
3.Program Protection and Development of the Institute of Labor dilakukandengan:
a. Increasing the quantity and quality of labor inspectors of industrial relations;
b.Meningkatkan supervision, protection and law enforcement as well as occupational safety and health
c. Developing social security workers, and others - others.
Meanwhile, Indonesia's labor Widodountuk TugaspemerintahanJoko when MEA is, with foreign workers must have certain requirements in order to operate in Indonesia. This meant that workers in Indonesia are incontestably administrative work opportunities. Examples requirements of foreign workers to work in Indonesia, namely reactivate Indonesian language test which was held Hall Indonesian Indonesian test because it abolished its existence by President Joko Widodo on August 21, 2015. This policy is intended to protect workers in the country or the local workforce in Indonesia to face the MEA.
However, it is only addressed by workers for fear of foreign investors feel restricted movement to boost the economy in Indonesia led to its quasi movement of foreign investors so that many workers end up losing their livelihoods. Thus, it is good government as the executor of policies to strengthen the labor of aspects inside and outside so that the dignity of labor which is a reflection of the nation and this state is maintained.
As well as the Employment BPJS that have programs that cover the workforce in Indonesia, the government Joko Widodo is expected to form a solution also in problems facing the MEA that Indonesian workers have the skill or skills that qualified to be ready to compete with foreign workers both inside and outside Indonesia when the MEA begins. Government policies Joko Widodo would be nice also did not rule out labor lately have some demands but active role in resolving labor issues such as labor image is a depiction of the nation's welfare. Finally, the development of employment in Indonesia can go forward with time, especially at the national and international scope.


3.1 Conclusions

Human resources (HR) is one of the key factors in economic reform, namely how to create quality human resources and skills as well as highly competitive in a global competition which we abaikan.Saat this, Indonesia has been preparing to welcome the MEA on December 31, 2015 launched. Delegates from each of the ASEAN countries, especially Indonesia hopes the MEA can make people in the more developed countries. Besides the social and economic aspects that reflects the implementation of the MEA population and trade, such thinking also guided by aspects of employment are no less important in the country itself.

3.2 advice
Indonesia next challenge is to bring meaningful change to the lives of everyday people. Indonesia must improve in all respects both the regulatory side where the rule of law must be firm, government should be clean, economic justice must be created as well as equity, the need for political stability, security and social order, technological innovation, and the availability of adequate infrastructure. MEA should be able to be used as well - as good as the media to promote themselves in the regional arena and the training ground for Indonesian workers can compete in the International with more quality than the country - other countries. With the MEA Indonesia should be able to see a good opportunity to improve the quality of human resources that exist to improve competitiveness, provide adequate education and health, and provide education on the importance of the MEA itself.
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Thursday 29 September 2016

Hurricaneger Sanjou japanese-indonesian lyric

Shushu To Sanjō! (Sanjō!)
Muncul Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin! (Ini Dia!)

Shushu To Ninja-Jan!
Ninja Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin!

Makiokose, Yūki No Hariken!
Menendang, Badai Keberanian!

Kujikesō Ni Naru Kimochi Wo Ima
Jika Perasaan Kita Tampaknya Menjadi Rusak

Egao Ni Kaetara
Lalu Kami Mengubahnya Menjadi Senyum

Atarashī Hibi Wo Kakete Yuku No Sa
Seperti Hari-Hari Memudar Ke Satu Sama Lain

Mae Dake Mitsumete
Semua Bisa Kita Lihat Adalah Maju

Kono Hoshi Wo Mamoru Tame Ni
Untuk Melindungi Planet Ini

Uketsuide Kita Himitsu No Chikara
Kami Akan Menggunakan Kekuatan Rahasia Yang Kita Warisi

Mittsu No Kokoro Wo Awasetara
Ketika Tiga Hati Datang Bersama-Sama
Shinjita Mirai Ni Ganbarō
Kami Akan Berjuang Keras Untuk Masa Depan Kita Percaya
Shushu To Sanjō! (Sanjō!)
Muncul Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin! (Ini Dia!)

Shushu To Ninja-Jan!
Ninja Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin!

Kakugo (×3), Shirō Yo, Zettai!
Dapatkan Siap, Siap-Siap, Dapatkan Benar-Benar Siap!

Shūshū To Sanjō! (Sanjō!)
Muncul Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin! (Ini Dia!)

Shūshū To Kyō, GO (×2)!
Terburu-Buru Angin Hari Ini, Pergi (× 2)!

Moeagare, Seigi No Hariken!
Membakar, Badai Keadilan!

Ninpū Sentai Harikenjā
Enduring Angin Squadron Hurricaneger

Kaze Ni Nare!
Menjadi Angin!

Kuyashisa Ni Mata Hoho Wo Koboreru
Jika Penyesalan Berjalan Menuruni Pipi Kami Lagi

Namida Wo Fuitara
Kemudian Kami Akan Menghapus Air Mata Kita Bersih

Hateshinai Asu Wo Mezashite Yukō
Kami Terus Bertujuan Untuk Besok Tak Berujung

Nani Mo Osorezu Ni
Tidak Ada Yang Perlu Ditakutkan

Saigo Made Akiramenai
Sampai Akhirnya, Kami Tidak Akan Pernah Menyerah

Aka, Ao, Kīro Genki No Shirushi
Ini Adalah Tanda Dari Vigors Merah, Kuning Dan Biru

Mittsu No Yaiba Ni Komerareta
Ketika Tiga Bilah Diatur Di Tempat
Bokura No Pawā Wo Uketemiyō
Kami Akan Menerima Kuasa Kami

Shushu To Sanjō! (Sanjō!)
Muncul Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin! (Ini Dia!)

Shushu To Ninja-Jan!
Ninja Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin!

Taose (×3), Aku No Keshin Wo!
Kekalahan, Kekalahan, Mengalahkan Inkarnasi Kejahatan!

Shūshū To Sanjō! (Sanjō!)
Muncul Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin! (Ini Dia!)

Shūshū To Kyō, GO (×2)! 
Terburu-Buru Angin Hari Ini, Pergi (× 2)
Makiokose, Yūki No Hariken!
Menendang, Badai Keberanian!

Ninpū Sentai Harikenjā
Enduring Angin Squadron Hurricaneger

Yume Wo Oe!
Memenuhi Impian Anda!

Kono Hoshi Wo Mamoru Tame Ni
Untuk Melindungi Planet Ini

Uketsuide Kita Himitsu No Chikara (Chikara)
Kami Akan Menggunakan Kekuatan Rahasia Kita Mewarisi (Power)

Mittsu No Kokoro Wo Awasetara
Ketika Tiga Hati Datang Bersama-Sama

Shinjita Mirai Ni Ganbarō
Kami Akan Berjuang Keras Untuk Masa Depan Kita Percaya

Shushu To Sanjō! (Sanjō!)
Muncul Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin! (Ini Dia!)

Shushu To Ninja-Jan!
Ninja Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin!

Kakugo (×3), Shirō Yo, Zettai!
Dapatkan Siap, Siap-Siap, Dapatkan Benar-Benar Siap!

Shūshū To Sanjō! (Sanjō!)
Muncul Dalam Terburu-Buru Angin! (Ini Dia!)

Shūshū To Kyō, GO (×2)!
Terburu-Buru Angin Hari Ini, Pergi (× 2)!

Moeagare, Seigi No Hariken!
Membakar, Badai Keadilan!

Ninpū Sentai Harikenjā
Enduring Angin Squadron Hurricaneger

Kaze Ni Nare!

Menjadi Angin!

Makalah Peran Tax Amnesty Dalam Pembangunan Indonesia

1.1  Latar Belakang
Kita tahu bahwa pembangunan nasional yang berlangsung secara terus-menerus dan berkesinambungan selama ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Namun, untuk merealisasikan tujuan tersebut diperlukan suatu anggaran pembangunan yang cukup besar. Salah satu usaha untuk mewujudkan peningkatan penerimaan untuk pembangunan tersebut adalah dengan menggali sumber dana yang berasal dari dalam negeri, yaitu pajak. Pajak merupakan sumber penerimaan yang dominan dalam struktur Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN). Hampir 70 persen penerimaan berasal dari sektor pajak. Karena itu untuk mencapai target penerimaan negara dari sektor perpajakan dibutuhkan upaya-upaya yang nyata, serta mengimplementasikan dalam bentuk kebijakan pemerintah. Salah satunya adalah tax amnesty atau pengampunan pajak. Kebijakan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan subyek pajak maupun obyek pajak.Subyek pajak dapat berupa kembalinya dana-dana yang berada di luar negeri, sedangkan dari sisi obyek pajak berupa penambahan jumlah wajib pajak.
Sebenarnya Indonesia pernah menerapkan amnesti pajak pada 1984. Namun pelaksanaannya tidak efektif karena wajib pajak kurang merespons dantidak diikuti dengan reformasi sistem administrasi perpajakan secara menyeluruh.Pengampunan pajak diharapkan menghasilkan penerimaan pajak yang selama ini belum atau kurang bayar, disamping meningkatkan kepatuhan membayar pajak karena makin efektifnya pengawasan, didukung semakin akuratnya informasi mengenai daftar kekayaan wajib pajak.
1.2  Rumusan Masalah
1.      Mengapa perlu dilakukan tax amnesty?
2.      Bagaimana dampak tax amnesty bagi keberhasilan pembangunan nasional?

1.3  Tujuan Penulisan
1.      Mengetahui tentang tax amnesty.
2.      Mengetahui dampak tax amnesty bagi keberhasilan pembangunan nasional.

1.4  Manfaat Penulisan
Adapun manfaat penulisan makalah ini adalah :
1.      Bermanfaat sebagai suatu proses belajar untuk mengetahui tentang aspek perpajakan dalam rangka Tax Amnesty.
2.      Bermanfaat untuk Mengetahui masalah-masalah yang timbul dalam penerapan kebijakan Tax Amnesty di Indonesia.


2.1 Pajak
Menurut UU No. 28 Tahun 2007 Pajak adalah kontribusi wajib kepada Negara yang terutang oleh orang pribadi atau badan yang bersifat memaksa berdasarkan undang – undang dengan tidak mendapatkan imbalan secara langsung.

2.2 Pengampunan Pajak (Tax Amnesty)
Menurut UU Tax Amnesty No 11 tahun 2016 Pengampunan Pajak (Tax Amnesty) adalah pengampunan atau pengurangan pajak terhadap property yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dalam bentuk penghapusan pajak terutang, penghapusan sanksi pajak terutang, penghapusan sanksi pidana tertentu yang harus diharuskan membayar dengan uang tebusan. Pengampunan pajak ini bukan hanya properti yang disimpan di luar negeri tetapi juga berasal dari dalam negeri yang laporannya tidak diberikan secara benar.

2.3 Wajib Pajak
Menurut UU Tax Amnesty No 11 tahun 2016 wajib pajak adalah Wajib Pajak adalah orang pribadi atau badan yang mempunyai hak dan kewajiban perpajakan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang perpajakan. Secara umum, setiap wajib pajak yang belum menunaikan kewajiban perpajakannya diperbolehkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam program tax amnesty. Artinya, program tax amnesty ini ditujukan kepada wajib pajak yang telah berada dalam sistem administrasi perpajakan dan wajib pajak yang belum masuk dalam sistem administrasi perpajakan. Perlakuan yang berbeda dimungkinkan ketika wajib pajak yang hendak berpartisipasi dalam program tax amnesty telah diperiksa atau sedang dalam proses pemeriksaan. Dalam hal ini, wajib pajak yang telah diperiksa atau sedang dalam proses pemeriksaan tersebut tidak diperbolehkan berpartisipasi dalam program tax amnesty karena jumlah tunggakan pajaknya telah diketahui oleh otoritas pajak. Wajib pajak juga dapat diberikan pengampunan jika ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan menyatakan wajib pajak yang mengungkapkan kewajiban perpajakan atau harta kekayaannya secara sukarela berhak mendapatkan penurunan atau penghapusan sanksi administrasi.

2.4 Pembangunan
Pembangunan (development) adalah proses perubahan yang mencakup seluruh system sosial, seperti politik, ekonomi, infrastruktur, pertahanan, pendidikan dan teknologi, kelembagaan, dan budaya (Alexander 1994).

3.1  Perlunya Tax Amnesty
3.1.1 Kelebihan Tax Amnesty
a.      Sumber daya yang dimiliki pada instansi aparatur pajak saat ini sudah memadai yang dapat mendukung diberlakukannya penerapan tax amnesty. Demikian juga infrastruktur pendukung lainnya.
b.      Bila kebijakan perpajakan seperti tax amnesty diterapkan maka akan menciptakan kerelaan masyarakat untuk mendaftarkan diri menjadi Wajib Pajak dan menunaikan kewajiban perpajakannya seperti yang dilakukan pemerintah sebelumnya dengan sunset policy (kebijakan pemberian fasilitas perpajakan) maupun pemebebasan pajak fiskal bagi warga negara Indonesia yang hendak bepergian ke luar negeri dengan syarat memiliki Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak.
c.       Kondisi ekonomi nasional saat ini relatif stabil dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi di atas 5 persen. Hal ini dapat menjamin pemberlakuan tax amnesty.
d.      Program ini dapat meningkatkan dana-dana masuk ke Indonesia yang cukup banyak di simpan di luar negeri. Di samping itu, dana-dana yang selama ini diparkir di luar negeri dapat kembali masuk ke tanah air bila pemerintah secepatnya menerapkan pengampunan pajak.
e.       Tax amnesty dapat berpengaruh positif bagi pasar uang pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Bila kebijakan ini diterapkan maka mempunyai potensi terjadi penambahan emiten baru karena perusahaan-perusahaan tidak perlu khawatir atas permasalahan pajak yang telah lewat. Karena masalah perpajakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang dianggap memberatkan bagi calon emiten untuk mengubah status perushaaannya menjadi perusahaan terbuka
f.       pemerintah dapat mengkonsentrasikan atau memfokuskan pada upaya pemberantasan korupsi. Demikian juga dengan diimplementasikan tax amnesty maka asset recovery nya lebih mudah karena tidak perlu melakukan penyelidikan, penyidikan, penuntutan dan proses hukum lainnya untuk mengambil asset koruptor. Asset recovery adalah perbandingan antara jumlah kerugian negara yang didakwakan dengan penyitaan asset atau pengembalian asset korupsi. Selama ini persentase asset recovery masih relatif kecil. Persentase asset recovery dapat dijadikan acuan penentuan tarif tax amnesty
3.1.2        Kekurangan Tax Amnesty
a.      Tidak mempunyai payung hukum yang dapat menjadi landasan hukum implementasi tax amnesty yang dapat memberikan aturan jelas. Hal ini akan menambah keraguan bagi wajib pajak dan calon wajib pajak.Namun apabila implementasi tax amnesty akan diterapkan maka berartiharus di buat terlebih dahulu peraturan perpajakan (undang-undang)yang mengatur tentang hal itu. Hal in tentu saja akan memakan waktu yang lebih lama karena tentu saja harus mendapat persetujuan dari DPR (Dewan Pertimbangan Rakyat).
b.      Dianggap mencederai asas keadilan
Tax amnesty dianggap mencederai keadilan bagi masyarakat yang selama ini patuh membayar pajak. Apalagi pada tahun 1964 dan 1984, tax amnesty berjalan tidak efektif karena minimnya ketersediaan data perpajakan. Tidak ada lengkapnya basis data perpajakan membuka kemungkinan petugas pajak untuk mendeteksi kekayaan yang tak dilaporkan. Pengemplang pajak pun tak perlu khawatir akan tertangkap. Terlebih, kekayaan yang tidak dilaporkan pada umumnya berada di luar negeri sehingga benar-benar jauh dari jangkauan petugas pajak.
c.       Tax Amnesty dikhawatirkan tidak akan berjalan secara konsisten. 
Banyak yang menilai jika kekurangan penerimaan pajak tidak hanya bisa diselesaikan dengan kebijakan pengampunan pajak tersebut. Belum adanya kejelasan mengenai kewajiban bagi wajib pajak untuk menempatkan kekayaannya di dalam negeri, besar kemungkinan individu-individu yang meminta pengampunan pajak akan menyembunyikan kembali kekayaan mereka di luar negeri ketika manfaattax amnesty tak lagi diberikan.
d.      Tax Amnesty Hanya Beri "Karpet Merah" bagi Koruptor
Tax Amnesty dalam RAPBNP 2016 dianggap sebagian orang bukan untuk kepentingan masyarakat. Mereka menilai, tax amnesty hanya untuk kepentingan pengusaha yang memiliki dana besar di luar negeri. Pengampunan pajak hanya akan menjadi karpet merah untuk koruptor dan konglomerat yang mendapat keuntungan di Indonesia. Menurut mereka, tax amnesty hanya dijadikan bahasa kampanye oleh politisi untuk memuluskan proyek-proyek swasta.
3.1.3        Peluang dan Tantangan Implementasi Tax Amnesty di Indonesia
Ada beberapa langkah yang ditempuh pemerintah Indonesia khususnya Direktorat Jenderal Pajak guna meningkatkan penerimaan negara dari sektor pajak, antara lain melaksanakan program Sensus Pajak Nasional. Selain itu melakukan penyempurnaan peraturan untuk menangani tindakan penghindaran pajak (tax avoidance), tindakan penggelapan pajak melalui transfer pricing, dan pengenaan pajak final. Selain itu salah satu bentuk upaya atau inovasi lain dalam system perpajakan yang berguna meningkatkan penerimaan pajak tanpa menambah beban baik jenis pajak baru maupun persentase pajak yang sudah ada kepada masyarakat, dunia usaha dan para pekerja adalah melalui program tax amnesty. Salah satu tujuan pengampunan pajak ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi citra negatif pada aparat perpajakan yang selalu dipersepsikan selalu bersikap sewenang-wenang dan harus selalu dihindari, berubah menjadi hubungan yang lebih “friendly.” Pada dasarnya inovasi atau upaya ini dapat diterapkan di Indonesia. Keunggulan yang diharapkan bila kebijakan tax amnesty diimplementasikan yaitu akan dapat mendorong masuknya dana-danadari luar negeri yang dalam jangka panjang dapat digunakan sebagai pendorong investasi yang pada gilirannya bermanfaat untuk menstimulasi perekonomian nasional.
Di sisi lain kelemahannya bila diterapkan pengampunan pajak adalah tidak serta merta menjamin peningkatan kinerja setoran pajak ke kas negara. Hal ini bisa sebaliknya berpotensi terjadinya penyelewengan,manipulasi dan tindakan moral hazard lainnya. Para pengusaha yang memperoleh pemutihan pajak akan melakukan penggelapan kewajiban pajaknya. Kecuali bila diberlakukan pengampunan pajak bersyarat.Contohnya pengampunan pajak bersyarat, wajib pajak harus transparan terhadap aset-aset dan penghasilan mereka. Hal ini guna menghindari kekeliruan yang sama tahun 1984 tidak terulang kembali yaitu minimnya akses informasi terhadap masyarakat dan minimnya keterbukaan/transparansi serta sosialisasi kebijakan ini.

3.2  Peran Tax Amnesti Untuk Pembangunan Nasional
3.2.1 Tax Amnesty Bagi Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM)
Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui, Tax Amnesty atau pengampunan pajak juga berlaku untuk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) yaitu pelaku usaha yang beromzet sampai dengan Rp 4,8 miliar pada tahun pajak terakhir. Dan tarif yang diberlakukan untuk UMKM ini berbeda dengan pelaku usaha yang mempunyai omzet lebih dari 4,8 miliar.
Seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 118/PMK.03/2016 pada pasal 11 ayat (1) dan (2) Wajib Pajak yang memiliki kriterian sebagai UMKM adalah yang memiliki peredaran usaha hanya bersumber dari penghasilan atas kegiatan usaha dan tidak menerima penghasilan dari pekerjaan dalam hubungan kerja dan/atau pekerjaan bebas. Pekerjaan Bebas yang dimaksud merupakan pekerjaan yang  dilakukan oelh orang pribadi yang mempunyai keahlian khusus sebagai usaha untuk memperoleh penghasilan yang tidak terikat oleh suatu hubungan kerja, antara lain dokter, notaries, akuntan, arsitek atau pengacara.
Tarif untuk kategori UMKM ini dapat kita bagi dua, kategori pertama yaitu UMKM Bagi pelaku usaha yang melaporkan harta dengan nilai harta sampai dengan Rp 10 miliar maka akan dikenakan tarif tebusan pajak sebesar 0,5%.
Kategori kedua, bagi pelaku UMKM yang melaporkan harta lebih dari Rp 10 miliar akan dikenakan tarif tebusan 2%. Dan tarif yang diperlakukan untuk UMKM ini berlaku sejak awal sampai berakhirnya Tax Amnesty yaitu 31 Maret 2017 tidak seperti tarif yang diperuntukan kepada pengusaha yang memiliki omzet lebih dari 4,8 miliar. Hal ini diatur dalam Undang-undang Pengampunan Pajak Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 di dalam pasal 4 ayat (3). Ketentuan tarif ini dibuat guna membantu UMKM yang ingin memanfaatkan Tax Amnesty
Untuk persyaratan Tax Amnesty itu sendiri diatur di dalam Undang-undang Pengampunan Pajak Nomor 11 tahun 2016 pasal 9 ayat (5) dinyatakan bahwa “Bagi Wajib Pajak yang peredaran usahanya sampai dengan Rp4.800.000.000,00 (empat miliar delapan ratus juta rupiah) pada Tahun Pajak Terakhir, yang  ingin memanfaatkan Tax Amnesty ini harus melampirkan bukti pembayaran Uang Tebusan, bukti pelunasan Tunggakan Pajak bagi Wajib Pajak yang memiliki Tunggakan Pajak, daftar rincian Harta beserta informasi kepemilikan Harta yang dilaporkan, daftar Utang serta dokumen pendukung, bukti pelunasan pajak yang tidak atau kurang dibayar atau pajak yang seharusnya tidak dikembalikan bagi Wajib Pajak yang sedang dilakukan pemeriksaan bukti permulaan atau penyidikan, fotokopi SPT PPh Terakhir, dan Wajib Pajak harus melampirkan surat pernyataan tidak mengalihkan Harta ke luar wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia paling singkat selama jangka waktu 3 (tiga) tahun terhitung sejak diterbitkannya Surat Keterangan, selain melampirkan dokumen tersebut, Wajib Pajak dimaksud harus melampirkan surat pernyataan mengenai besaran peredaran usaha.
3.2.1        Hubungan Amnesti Pajak dengan Pembangunan
Hampir dalam setiap proyek pembangunan yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah selalu di dengungkan bahwa proyek yang dibangun dibiayai dari dana pajak yang telah dikumpulkan dari masyarakat. Untuk itu, diharapkan masyarakat juga menjaga proyek yang ada untuk dapat dipakai untuk kepentingan bersama. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut sudah selayaknya apabila setiap individu dalam masyarakat dapat memahami dan mengerti akan arti dan pentingnya peran pajak dalamm kehidupan sehari – hari. Sebagaimana diketahui dalam APBN yang dibuat oleh pemerintah terdapat tiga sumber penerimaan yang menjadi pokok andalan :
a.   Penerimaan dari sektor pajak
b.   Penerimaan dari sektor migas (Minyak dan Gas Bumi) ; dan
c.    Penerimaan dari sektor bukan pajak.
Dari ketiga sumber penerimaan diatas, penerimaan dari sektor pajak ternyata merupakan sumber penerimaan terbesar negara. Dari tahun ke tahun kita dapat melihat bahwa penerimaan pajak terus meningkat dan memberi adil yang besar dalam penerimaan negara. Penerimaan dari sektor pajak selalu dikatakan merupakan primadona dalam membiayai pembangunan Nasional. Sedangkan penerimaan dari migas yang dahulu selalu jadi andalan penerimaan negara, sekarang ini sudah tidak bisa diharapkan menjadi sumber penerimaan keuangan negara yang terus menerus karena sifatnya yang tidak dapat diperbaharui (non renewable resources). Penerimaan migas pada suatu waktu akan habis sedangkan dari pajak selalu dapat diperbaharui sesuai dengan perkembangan ekonomi dan masyarakat itu sendiri.
4.1 Kesimpulan
Tax Amnesty atau pengampunan pajak merupakan pengampunan atau pengurangan pajak terhadap property yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dalam bentuk penghapusan pajak terutang, penghapusan sanksi pajak terutang, penghapusan sanksi pidana tertentu yang harus diharuskan membayar dengan uang tebusan. Amnesti pajak sebelumnya pernah diterapkan pada tahun 1984 serta tahun 2004, namun pada saat itu gagal. Pada tax amnesty kali ini terdapat kebijakan amnesti yang berbeda yaitu dibagi dalam 3 periode.
Adapun kelebihan Tax Amnesty, yaitu: sumber daya yang dimiliki pada instansi aparatur pajak saat ini sudah memadai yang dapat mendukung diberlakukannya penerapan tax amnesty. Kedua, menciptakan kerelaan masyarakat untuk mendaftarkan diri dan menunaikan kewajiban perpajakannya. Ketiga, pertumbuhan ekonomi di atas 5 persen dapat menjamin pemberlakuan tax amnesty. Keempat, meningkatkan dana masuk ke Indonesia yang cukup banyak di simpan di luar negeri. Kelima, berpengaruh positif bagi pasar uang pada bursa efek indonesia. Kekurangan Tax Amnesty, yaitu : tidak mempunyai payung hukum yang dapat menjadi landasan hukum implementasi tax amnesty. Dianggap mencederai asas keadilan. Dikhawatirkan tidak akan berjalan secara konsisten.  Dan yang terakhir ialah tax amnesty hanya beri celah bagi Koruptor.

4.2  Saran
Penerapan tax amnesty Indonesia saat ini semestinya lebih ditingkatkan keseriusannya demi menghindari kegagalan seperti yg terjadi pada 2 periode sebelumnya. Sebaiknya, penerapan amnesty ini lebih dimatangkan lagi dengan diciptakannya payung hukum yang tegas demi  mengurangi peluang korupsi.

Daftar Pustaka
1.      Sondang P. Siagian. 1985. Administrasi Pembangunan. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.
2.      Mardiasmo.2011. Perpajakan Edisi Revisi. Andi: Yogyakarta.